Entries by Tony


What can Teens do for Jesus?

What does Jesus expect from a teenager? How much do WE expect from the under 20 set? What can teens do for Jesus? Can someone so young carry out Jesus’ mission? This question fascinates me. Today, we find younger and younger people in leadership positions. Can the emphasis on youth carry over into the realm Read More

The Great Barrier

If church planting is meant to be as simple as Jesus taught, what is the problem? Why are we not all doing it? If ordinary people are supposed to do it, what is hindering us? There are many answers, but I want to explore just one today. I won’t traverse all of Scripture, but will Read More


GSE Church or Small Group?

What is the difference between the Vision USA Church Planting network using GSE to start churches and other kinds of church ministries such as small groups and missional communities which are not designed to stand alone as church? Since church is always a choice and what we do in GSE is different, please watch this Read More

Shepherds and Elders

I have already touched on the Gatherer – the G in a GSE processed church start. When we begin a church using GSE, we pair an Ephesians 4:11 gifted Shepherd with the Gatherer to begin the new church. We need these two people to start a church. The shepherd has one overriding job – to Read More

Gather or Be Gathered

As I study the biblical pathway of gathering, I continue to learn and marvel at how Jesus does this. Since discerning what the Bible has to say so clearly about gatherers, I have worked to train others in Simple Gathering. But I have become aware of another kind of gathering, thanks to a key leader Read More

Gatherers are not Evangelists – Distinction 3

A third distinction between evangelists and gathers is that evangelists keep on moving, both with individuals and with local assemblies. Evangelists are gifted to share the truth of the gospel with people. I watch them and love to see them work. As they tell people about Jesus and His gospel, they proclaim, they reach, and Read More